Find out what operators look for in a trustworthy affiliate, and discuss how we can all play a part in improving industry relations across the board. In this exclusive session affiliates, operators, lawyers and regulators discuss topics storming the industry.
- As the compliance in the UK and Malta tightens – how do operators and affiliates embrace these changes?
- Are players looking for other markets due to these compliance requirements?
- As initiatives like trustly “Pay N Play” disrupts the way players open account how, what is the future of player acquisition and how can such initiatives propagate the tightened UK market?
- As key personnel shift between the Malta Gaming Authority and Malta Financial Services Authority, can blockchain technology and cryptocurrency be the future basis for the iGaming industry?
- What is the current M&A landscape for operators and affiliates?
- How are the relationships between operators and white hat affiliates evolving as affiliates programs trim their affiliate partners? Are the big networks, which work on contracts with operators going to totally change the affiliate industry landscape?
- What would the affiliate world look like a year from now with all the regulatory changes and the US opening for business?