Knut-Olaf Skarvang (Deloitte Legal) to join the Scandavian panel

Knut-Olaf Skarvang (Deloitte Legal) to join the Scandavian panel

We are honored to announce that Knut-Olaf Skarvang (Deloitte Legal) will join the “Scandinavian panel” at Prague Gaming Summit and give a report about the Norwegian gambling market. Knut-Olaf Skarvang Experienced Lawyer and part of the gaming group within Deloitte Legal in Norway Knut is an expert on legal structuring and taxation of gaming companies and […]

Discounted accommodation rate at the official hotel

Discounted accommodation rate at the official hotel

We are pleased to announce that the rooms at Andel’s by Vienna House Prague are available for all delegates booking a 3 night accommodation package during the Prague Gaming Summit, which will take place between the 8th and 9th of June. Andel’s by Vienna House Prague is the official hotel of the event and is located in the popular ‘Andel’ […]